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About Us

Welcome to Heavenly Harvest! Where children are our focus, families are our partners and community is essential. It’s our mission to provide a caring and supportive environment to grow strong, kind, and courageous children of God.  We believe in responsibility, kindness, respect and having as much fun as we can!

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But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15

Heavenly Harvest offers a God-centered atmosphere of learning and provides enriching experiences that help every child embrace spiritual, emotional, physical and cognitive growth. We value the partnership with our families in nurturing and guiding the development of the whole child for a strong continuation of learning from school to home.


Heavenly Harvest promotes an environment that will, developmentally, cultivate learning with activities that are multidisciplinary and comprehensive to each child. We encourage our children, infant through preschool, to expand their skills using playful exploration and routine consistency. When children leave us, they will be fully prepared for the next stage of their young lives.


We can’t wait to watch the next generation grow!


Becky and Caleb Petter, Owners

Learn more about us here!

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In The Classroom

Our teachers implement a wide array of activities and practices that foster a child’s opportunity for learning in an early childhood education setting that feels like home. 

Art, music, movement, dramatic play, science, math, literacy, sensory, and motor play are integrated into each classroom in a developmentally appropriate manner for each age level. We also use a curriculum for our children’s ministry to provide thematic learning opportunities that teach children the foundation of the bible and scripture. The most important lesson we want each child to know is that he or she is uniquely and wonderfully made, created with a special purpose by God who loves them.

Each classroom has separate learning spaces that allow children to engage in activities related to their individual interests and enable them to be active explorers of their environment.

Heavenly Harvest offers programs for:

  • Infants: 6 weeks to 17 months

  • Young Toddlers: 18 months to 24 months

  • Toddlers: 2-3 years of age

  • Preschool: 3-4-years of age

  • After School: Pre-K and Kindergarten only

  • Summer and Holiday: Pre-K only availability

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Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Heavenly Harvest values the relationship that you and your child's teacher are able to develop as it helps surround and support your child. You will be informed of your child's growth and development in a variety of ways. Primarily, we use a parent engagement app called ProCare that each parent has access to upon enrollment. You'll receive updates and pictures throughout the day about your child's activities such as rest time, diaper changes or potty breaks, and learning activities. You have direct communication with your child's teachers and the Leadership Team to keep you informed of any special moment, concerns or general messages. We also use this program to communicate center-wide notifications and reminders to all parents.


Parents and community members can enrich our curriculum in many ways, and we appreciate your partnership. We would enjoy having you share a special interest, hobby, or your career with the children. If you have a horse, a "big rig", know a firefighter or simply love to read we'd love to hear from you and how we could collaborate.


Learn More About Our Programs


Infant 1

Just the Beginning

6 weeks to 6 months*

A Few Milestones:

  • Low mobility - rolls over, sits up, begins to crawl

  • Begins to eat purees

  • Makes sounds/ coo’s

  • Reacts to sounds and loud noises

Infant 2

On the Go

​6 months to 12 months

A Few Milestones​

  • Begins to eat solid foods

  • Moderate mobility - crawling and standing independently  

  • Waves hello and goodbye

  • Transition to 2 naps. One nap for ages 10 - 12 months

Infant 3

Movers & Shakers

​12 months to 18 months

A Few Milestones

  • Transition from bottle to sippy cup 

  • Able to sit freely at the table

  • High mobility - beginning to walk and run 

  • Able to lay/sleep on a cot

  • Building a vocabulary




​18 months to 24 months

A Few Milestones

  • Able to sit at the table for the duration of an activity

  • Gaining independence 

  • Adding more words to their vocabulary

  • Begin trying to dress and undress themselves


Life Is A Highway

2 years​ 

​A Few Milestones

  • Taking interest in potty training (introduction)

  • Learning emotions 

  • Beginning to talk in sentences

  • Following simple directions


Patience is a Virtue

2.5 - 3 years

A Few Milestones

  • Potty training begins

  • Learning emotions 

  • Talking in full sentences

  • Following simple directions

There are so many new things your child will be learning over the course of this year that we have found separating the two year old group into a younger class and an older class is much more successful in their progress.


Early Preschool

Emotions Running High

3 years 

A Few Milestones

  • Complete potty training

  • Gaining independence 

  • Joins in cooperative play with others

  • Begins to recognize numbers, letters and names

  • Begin trying to dress and undress themselves


Hang in There

3.5 - 4 years 

A Few Milestones

  • Fully potty trained is required 

  • Can count items

  • Can carry on a conversation or recall events

  • Begins to draw shapes and other objects

  • Can self serve food and pour water



Almost There

4 years 

A Few Milestones

  • Fully potty trained is required 

  • Can spell their name

  • Can write letters and numbers

  • Beginning math concepts

  • Follows rules or takes turns when playing 

  • Answers simple questions about a book after reading


Discover More!

  • Facebook

General Information

Our hours of operation are 7:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday year-round. We are closed for most major holidays and two staff training days a year.


              View a copy of our center's schedule and holiday schedule: 




We provide a nutritional breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack each day. All meals are prepared on-site in our kitchen and served to your child in their classroom. Each child is provided with their own, personal milk and water cups labeled with their name. Before each meal, teachers lead the class in reciting a prayer of thanks. This helps teach our children to be appreciative of the things we all receive.


               View an example of our menu:


To comply with the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) regulations, parents must have all records completed before their child’s admittance to the Heavenly Harvest, a doctor’s statement to participate in group care, documentation of immunizations or medical exemption, a completed enrollment application, and hearing and vision screening if applicable.

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Tuition Rates*


  • Infant 1:    $195 per week

  • Infant 2:    $195 per week

  • Infant 3:    $195 per week

  • Early Toddlers:  $195 per week

  • Toddlers (age 2):  $185 per week

  • Early Preschool (age 3):  $185 per week

  • Preschool 1 and 2 (age 3-4):  $185 per week

  • After School: $65 per week

   * we do not accept CCS

Other Fees

  • Registration Fee: $100 (one time fee)

  • Supply Fee: $150 per year for ages 12 months and older. This is split into two $75 payments within the year.

  • Sibling Discount: $5 per week

We'd Love to Hear From You!

Our Leadership Team is happy to conduct a tour of our facility with you*, introduce you to the teaching staff, and provide a brief overview of our Parent Handbook & Operational Policies.

*Tours are available Tuesday - Friday between the hours of 9 AM - 11 AM or 3 PM - 4:30 PM.


Thanks for submitting!

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In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven
Matthew 5:16

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